Branding and ADs:
Kornberg School of Dentistry
I worked for the Kornberg School of Dentistry as a graphic designer. I made fliers, ads, social media posts, and pamphlets. I followed a style guide along with logo and brand requirements. Above is a reunion pamphlet outlining the events, awards, and honorees. I typset the full copy and made all the graphics.
Two examples of quarter-page ads. I used call-outs and title case types to emphasize quotes and create a type hierarchy. I also communicated with the marketing team to obtain images taken around Kornberg. Additionally, I edited and cropped the images to fit with the ads.
A quarter-page ad for the dean of the dental school making the top
Power 100 of higher education.
A series of Instagram posts reminding attendees of the times and dates of reunion events.
Examples of banners I made for reunion-related emails and newsletters.
Some of the Instagram story posts I made for the Reunion Countdown.